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SAD BUT RAD is a movement to destigmatize the struggles many of us have with our mental health. It is a reminder that we hold value as human beings even when we’re depressed, anxious, obsessive, manic, lonely. SAD BUT RAD is an anthem that declares we are perfect as we are and will be equally perfect when we become who we want to be.

My name is Kristel Yoneda and I have Major Depressive Disorder and also struggle with anxiety. I’m the Creative Director at an adult production company, offer purpose-driven marketing and consulting services through my company, Ikigai Marketing, and am an AMFT (#139284) and APCC (#13825) at Sad But Rad Therapy.

I started Sad But Rad Club to help change the narrative of mental health and wellness. When we think about healing, there is a lot of focus on starting your journey and its end result, but not a lot is celebrated about the stuff in between. The messy stuff. The stuff that is non-linear and frustrating.

So here I am, working on “the stuff” and using myself as a psychoeducational tool to encourage open discussions about mental health and wellness in an effort to remind people they are not alone. 


Kristel Yoneda is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (CA AMFT #139284) and Associate Professional Clinical Counselor (APCC #13825) supervised by Brooklynn Kendall (CA LMFT #103221).